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The textbook written by the NCSPU professors is available on the learning platform “Urait”

The book “The basics of environmental culture” is a joint work of two authors: R.Zaripova, PhD in Biology, NCSPU Associate Professor and V.Makhubrakhmanova, Professor of the Department of Biology.

         When implementing the standards in a secondary school, the introduction of the environmental component into the school subjects at all stages of the learning process, the forming and development of the schoolchildren’s environmental culture presents one of the challenges. The contents of the course conform to the standard. In the first unit, there is the theory and the definitions that can be found in the scientific literature, the characteristics of the peculiarities of the environmental awareness and thinking, the techniques and methods of forming the environmental culture in the conditions of the learning establishment. In the second unit, the general environmental topics are presented. The book conforms to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. It is targeted at the students of the pedagogical institutions; it will also be useful for the school teachers and the teachers of the supplementary educational establishments who conduct electives and special environmental courses.

The electronic version of the book is available at https://urait.ru/bcode/467778
