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Faster, higher, stronger. Naberehznye Chelny State Pedagogical University holds Health Day with passing GTO standard

A traditional celebration brought together both NCSPU students and professors. More than 300 people were the participants of this annual event which was initiated by the Department of Physical Culture and Sports and the Department for Educational Work. Everyone was given a chance to meet GTO (Ready for Labor and Defense) standards. Besides, the RF President worked out a special tax credit for those who faced the challenge.

“Congratulations on this Sports Festival! Meeting GTO standards gives you a possibility to show your physical achievements and reveal team spirit, determination and the desire for a healthy lifestyle. I wish you all luck and best results! Let this day become a bright event not only in your student life but in your work as a teacher; let it give you lots of positive emotions”!said NCSPU Rector Alfinur Galiakberova.

According to Radik Valinurov, a professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, the boys were measured by long jumps, pull-ups; while the girls were measured by push-ups, sit-ups, flexibility exercises and a 60 - meters run.

All faculties presented a team. The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was the first to start. Then it was the turn for the representatives of the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty History and Geography, the Faculty Arts and Design and the Faculty Pedagogy and Psychology.

The students supported their teams; they were sure that this event served as a team-building activity; everyone showed their talents on a team.

Lylia Sadykova – the Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology:

“It is not my first participation in the Health Day. The Dean is the captain. And we together with colleagues came to show our best and look at the others’ performances.”

Elena Krasnova – the Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science:

“We have been participating in these events for many years. I am personally into sports. I studied at a sports class at school; at the university I was part of the university team. A healthy lifestyle is the purpose in my life.”

Marina Gumerova – the Head of the Department of Pedagogy named after Z.Sharafutdinov:

“We like this celebration of sports; it became traditional. It helps feel the morale. We also like to test our physical endurance. We are former athletes and we are happy we keep fit.”

A modern GTO complex is a revival of the Soviet practice. The program was first established in the 1930-s and lived till 1990-s. The former complex consisted of various exercises – if you passed the standards, you were given a badge. It was a matter of honor if you possessed the badge; it gave you privileges. The participation was voluntary. The participant should be over 6; the upper boundary is not limited. You can try to meet the standards even if you are over 70.

Currently, more than 22.5 mln people are participating in the event; it testifies to its significance and popularity. People who met the standards of GTO can claim tax deduction.
