The Ministry of Education and Science RT together with Naberezhnye Chelny
State Pedagogical University held the 10th Anniversary Forum. The All-Russian
scientific and practical conference with international participation “Education and
dialogue of cultures: traditions and the present” brought together more than 500
The project was established in 2014 for the workers of pre-school, secondary,
higher, supplementary professional education. The meeting with the heads of
schools discussed the issues relating to teacher shortage, targeted training and the
problems in education and social adjustment of migrants’ children.
According to Alfinur Galiakberova, the Rector of Naberezhnye Chelny State
Pedagogical University, “We would like to discuss with the heads of schools,
where the children of migrants study, the peculiarities of teaching migrants’
children, their preparation for learning Russian as a second language in the
international educational environment.”
The guests of honor of the conference were the representatives of the Ministry of
Education and Science RT Alsu Sharipova, the head of the Department of National
Education RT; Endzhe Khabirova, the head of the Section of National Education
RT; Rustem Khuzin, the head of the Department of Education, Naberezhnye
According to Alsu Sharipova, “The children in our republic are trained in 5
languages. And they study 8 more languages. The multinational Sunday school has
been successfully operating. So, this year, for example, children of 30 nationalities
are being trained. Therefore, this conference makes us all one step closer.”
According to Roza Shayahmetova, the head of the Department for the
Development of Supplementary Education RT, “Here, at this conference, we
touched upon a number of the most important questions relating to teacher
shortage. Despite the presence of pedagogical universities, we keep facing this
problem. We have to make a decision: in what direction and in what way we
should go to solve this problem.”
The conference brought together the educators from all over Russia: fromBashkortostan, Samara, Leningrad, Kaluga, Moscow, Ulyanovsk, Yaroslavl
districts and other parts of Russia. The guests came also from abroad: Kazakhstan,
Algeria and Tunisia.
Ali Burnissa, the dean of the Faculty of Arabic Language, Arts and Oriental
Languages from University Algiers-2 said, “It is through culture that we get closer
with the Russian language. The professors from Naberezhnye Chelny State
Pedagogical University came to Algeria to teach Russian. It is not only the
training in phonetics, lexis and grammar – it is necessary to study culture. Since
the language reflects the mentality and culture of the country.”
The conference is held as part of the project “Dialogue of cultures” of the national
program of the Republic of Tatarstan “The implementation of the state national
policy in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2014-2025.” It serves as a venue for testing
the results of scientific-research works and scientific-methodological projects as
part of the state objectives of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The program of the conference included the exhibitions, sections, workshops. The
guests took part in several creative activities: you could see a girl in Tatar national
dress and a student wearing African national dress creating something at one table.
“We are different but we are united by the love to our people and the respect to all
nationalities living in this Republic of Tatarstan, Russia and the whole world,”
stated the guests.
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