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About holding of Russian Science Week at pedagogical universities: work outcomes of Association for the Development of Pedagogical Education (ADPE)

On December 13th, 2024, Moscow Pedagogical State University hosted the
congress (a general meeting). The congress was opened by Alexei Lubkov, the
Chairman of the Board of the ADPE. The audience was also welcomed by Irina
Kokoeva, the Director of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Education RF. In her
speech, she highlighted the importance of adhering to the strategic national
priorities in the work of the pedagogical communities of the country; she noted
that the agenda of the meeting corresponds with the established benchmark.
The work outcomes of the association were presented by Natalia Sklyarova, the
Deputy Chairperson of ADPE. In her speech, she told the congress about the
outcomes highlighting the contribution made by some educational establishments
in holding the events dedicated to the Year of the Family. She announced the
Russian Science Week which will be held in February, 2025 The event will aim to
promote the scientific achievements and to develop the scientific potential in the
field of education to ensure the technological sovereignty of the Russian
The Certificates of Appreciation for the active participation in holding the events
as part of the Year of the Family in Russia were awarded by Alexei Lubkov.
He told the congress about the activities of the working group on establishing the
Strategy for the Development of the system of education in Russia to 2036 with a
view to 2040 Alexei Lubkov noted that 14 working groups have been established.
They have been working on the strategy of the development of education in the
In his speech, Alexei Lubkov expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Education
RF for their support and announced a proposal to establish a scientific council
which will supervise the research work. He also noted that the textbooks for
primary school should be reviewed.
Alexei Makarenko, the Deputy Chairman of ARDE raised the issue of training the
teachers of math and sciences. He suggested revising the educational programs in
physics and mathematics building the links between the disciplines. He also asked
the rectors of pedagogical universities to share their best practices.
Natalia Makarova, the Rector of Omsk State Pedagogical University noted that theeducational programs in training the councilors to the heads of schools, which she
could share, can contribute to the improvement of the skills of the councilors; they
can create the environment for networking, communication and to the exchange of
the best practices.