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Total dictation in Naberezhnye Chelny

Naberezhnye Chelny State Pedagogical University became a platform for the annual educational action. 

More than 200 people tested their literacy.

This year, the author of the dictation was a Russian writer, journalist Anna Matveeva. The dictation was dedicated to the topic “Diaries”.

          Albina Battalova – an NCSPU graduate, a teacher of Russian and literature (Gymnasium №57), a finalist of the Republican phase of professional skills competition “The Teacher of the Year 2023” read out the dictation. She has some experience of dictating: last year she also read the dictation out.

“This year, the text is wonderful. Lots of grammatical and punctuation rules are found in a small text. As I have been a teacher of Russian for six year already, dictations are the thing that I often read out; I wasn’t worried. The only challenging thing was to be able to adapt to a mixed-aged audience,” Albina noted.

The audience was really mixed-aged. The youngest girl was 15. Zukhra Galiullina came to the platform with her father.

“I would like to write the dictation here to feel the sense of togetherness. I liked the text very much. I hope I wrote the dictation very well,” said Zukhra.

There were also “silver age” people among the participants. Elena Morozova is 66; she decided to participate in the action, too.

“I finished school back in 1974. I had excellent grades in Russian. Over the years, I decided to test my literacy. The dictation was read out perfectly well; the text was not difficult but there were some punctuation marks I doubt I put right. We need these activities; people should know their literacy level,” said Elena.

It should be noted that 2024 is an anniversary year for a “Total dictation”. It has been held for the 20th time. The results will be published after April 30.

