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NCSPU holds Shrovetide festivities

Sang couplets (limericks), made amulets, ate pancakes and danced… The university held a large-scale event on the Pancake week.

The event was held outside, in the open air. The NCSPU Rector Alfinur Galiakberova congratulated all the participants on the holiday of spring and sun.

Then, the participants took part in the relay; four teams were competing.

According to the results of the competition:

1 place went to the team of the NCSPU Industrial-Pedagogical College;

2 place went to the team of international students from Turkmenistan;

3 place went to the NCSPU team;

The team from Egypt was awarded a certificate of participation.

All the participants were given sweet pies.

The event concluded with the burning of a Lady Maslenitsa in a bonfire.

More pictures at: https://vk.com/album-162168359_302226721 

